Nic Slocum

About Nic Slocum

Nic Slocum's customers say of him

"your passion for the animals and commitment to their wellbeing made the trip for us - an experience we will never forget." Sean O'Regan

"my wife and I were extremely impressed with your depth of knowledge and your enthusiasm for cetaceans and the natural world in general." Simon Thompson

"your passion for marine wildlife is infectious and our accommodation provider was correct, you have to be Ireland's number one whale watch operator." Eileen Fallon

These statements embody exactly the three core philosophies adopted by Slocum whether taking friends, customers or film crews out to view marine wildlife:

Passengers must have a safe, enjoyable time and a memorable experience The information provided to customers must be accurate and detailed Above all we must have minimum impact on the wildlife and environment

Nic has been watching marine mammals around the UK and Irish coast from sailing and motor boats for nearly 25 years. During that time he has recorded over 10 species of cetaceans along the Irish south coast from Waterford to west Cork whilst sailing into and out of the ports of Cork, Kinsale, Glandore and Baltimore. Making a lifestyle change in 2003 Nic and his family moved from the UK to West Cork and set up Whale Watch West Cork in 2004. Committed to the sustainable development of marine tourism and the conservation of West Cork's marine wildlife Nic started offering whale and dolphin watching tours during the early part of 2005 growing rapidly to become, as many claim, Ireland's leading whale and dolphin watch operator. Nic does not take out angling or diving groups making Whale Watch West Cork the only dedicated whale and dolphin watch operator in west Cork.

Slocum's on board commentaries have become legendary. Aware of the limitations of the guidelines governing the interaction of boats and cetaceans in Ireland Nic has spent the past four years reviewing guidelines and codes of conduct from around the world covering the interaction of boats and marine wildlife. Addressing interaction at the species level Nic has created the most comprehensive code of conduct for whale watching vessels currently employed in Ireland. Nic and Whale Watch West Cork have received many accolades for his environmentally friendly approach culminating most recently with the Irish travel writer Catherine Mack commenting in her new book Ecoescape Ireland that ".Nic's expertise has led him to draw up a code of conduct for whale watching to encourage best practice in conservation and education in the whale watching business. Let's hope all other operators follow suit."

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